Friday, October 7, 2016

The Wonder of Google Map

Weeks, even months, before actually going on a trip, I take a look at the areas we plan to visit on Google Map. My virtual adventure lasts way longer than the actual one, and it helps me to know ahead of time what I can look forward to.

I like it that if we do have time to go exploring aside from what the tour has planned for us, we won't be wasting time walking around aimlessly. I pretty much have a game plan no matter what city we'll be in.

For example, you see the map below? The circled "x" is where our hotel is in Nikko. If I want to visit the Kinugawa Onsen Foot Bath and the surrounding shops, I know that we need to take a left from the hotel, and at the intersection that's shown in the photo above the map, we take a right and then go a couple of blocks south. Very, very helpful. And very, very cool. 


I have a binder with notes and printed out maps that I pack.  It's tabbed by city. Even though a lot of times we don't have the time to do anything extra, when we do . . . I am so ready! 


Unknown said...

Awesome trip planning!

Honolulu Aunty said...

How neato! You always get the most out of your wonderful trips.

Anonymous said...

j: OMG so organized and I so admire that! Just having google to show you all the spots is something I didn't have when I use to travel so it's now a useful tool. I'm so excited for you -N

Susan said...

Great plan! My daughter does something similar so we know exactly which trains and stops to get on and off from. Are you using KTS tours again? Looking forward to your posts! Have a great trip!

Kay said...

I'm getting so excited for you!

Susie said...

Wow great!!! Funny I only do that to airports I've never visited. But what a fun way to check everything out before getting there.

Mark Shelby said...

That's really Kewl Jalna! I am very impressed with how organized you are! And wow! That street looks really narrow. Is that like 1,000 years old? ; )

jalna said...

LOL, thanks Lorna.

Aunty, I used to have dreams where I'm in Japan and it's my last day, and I'm in a panic because I neva do anything worthwhile yet.

N, wish I was more tech savvy, then maybe I could have some kind of GPS thing on hand while walking around.

Yes, Susan, going with Kobayashi.

Thanks Kay!

It totally is fun and absorbing for me, Susie.

Thanks Mark. And yah, neat-looking street yah!

Leslie's pics said...

i hope you didn't get motion sickness while walking around! :)

K and S said...

I use google maps too, just so I know what the shop looks like from the outside:)